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Self Love Mia Sutton Self Love Mia Sutton

I Am Enough

At the start of the year I penned my word of focus as “enough.” Each month my planner has a line for a mantra and I’ve simply written, “I am enough.” It’s more of a prayer than a reminder.

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Self Love Mia Sutton Self Love Mia Sutton

Self-Care at the Beach

I am only ankle deep in the water, but I close my eyes all the same, breathing in the familiar sensations of the beach, our home. I’m not weightless in the water, but I feel lighter, as if I removed the weight of overwhelm and left it on the shore for someone else to carry for a while.

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Self Love Mia Sutton Self Love Mia Sutton

When the World Shut Down, So Did I

When the world shut down, so did I. Not leaving my home for nearly three months, it took a drive around town with my hubby and two sons on Mother’s Day 2020 to see the world was still moving, even though it looked and felt drastically different.

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Mental Health Mia Sutton Mental Health Mia Sutton

My False Façade of Happiness

Growing up in an environment where adults did not feel comfortable expressing their negative emotions in front of me made me think that happiness was the only emotion allowed in public and it was an unwritten societal rule that everybody knew.

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